Source code for xlref.filters

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020-2024 Vincenzo Arcidiacono;
# Licensed under the EUPL (the 'Licence');
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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It provides functions implementations to filter the parsed data.
import numpy as np
import schedula as sh
from .errors import InvalidReference, NoFullCell

[docs] class FiltersFactory(dict): def __getitem__(self, item): try: return super(FiltersFactory, self).__getitem__(item) except KeyError: return lambda p, x, *args, **kw: getattr(x, item)(*args, **kw)
FILTERS = FiltersFactory({ 'T': lambda parent, x: x.T, 'array': lambda parent, x, *args, **kw: np.asarray(x, *args, **kw), }) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs] def full(parent, x): """ Remove the empty value from each row of the input array. :param parent: Parent parser. :type parent: xlref.parser.Ref :param x: Array. :type x: list|numpy.array :return: Filtered array. :rtype: list """ from pandas import notnull return [list(filter(notnull, r)) for r in x]
FILTERS['full'] = full
[docs] def ref(parent, x): """ If the input is a valid reference, returns the captured values otherwise the input. :param parent: Parent parser. :type parent: xlref.parser.Ref :param x: Input value. :type x: object :return: If the input is a valid reference, returns the captured values otherwise the input. :rtype: object """ try: x = parent.__class__(x, parent, parent.cache).values except InvalidReference: pass except NoFullCell as ex: x = ex return x
FILTERS['ref'] = ref
[docs] def recursive(parent, x, dtype=None): """ Parse recursively all values in the array. :param parent: Parent parser. :type parent: xlref.parser.Ref :param x: Array. :type x: list|numpy.array :return: Parsed array. :rtype: numpy.array """ res, shape = [ref(parent, v) for v in np.ravel(x)], np.shape(x) if dtype is None and isinstance(x, np.ndarray): dtype = x.dtype return np.reshape(np.asarray(res, dtype=dtype), shape)
FILTERS['recursive'] = recursive def _kv(it): for k, v in it: if isinstance(k, dict): yield from k.items() else: yield k, v
[docs] def fdict(parent, x, key=None, value=None): """ Convert the input array into a dictionary. :param parent: Parent parser. :type parent: xlref.parser.Ref :param x: Array. :type x: list|numpy.array :param key: Filter applied to keys. :type key: str|list :param value: Filter applied to values. :type value: str|list :return: Parsed dictionary. :rtype: dict """ from pandas import isnull from .parser import compile_filters x = x.items() if isinstance(x, dict) else x it = ((v[0], v[1] if len(v) == 2 else v[1:]) for v in x if not isnull(v[0])) key = key and compile_filters(sh.stlp(key), parent) or (lambda k: k) value = value and compile_filters(sh.stlp(value), parent) or (lambda v: v) return dict(_kv((key(k), value(v)) for k, v in _kv(it)))
FILTERS['dict'] = fdict